The Process of Making a Law
Placing a Law into Motion is process that has many stages before it’s final placement in our society. Starting with writing a Bill and having a Congress Person present it to Committees, to Passing in the House and Senate and later signed by the President and Vice President.
Writing and Passing Laws Committee
Anyone can write a Bill, but only a Congress Person can submit a Bill to Committees of the House or the Senate. The Committee Chair advisor selects the bills for approval according to their agenda. Committee Advisors can sometimes present bills to sub committees for futher research with Public input, lobbyists, lawyers, investigators, scientists, etc to give merit and value to prep for amending of a potential bill.
Rules Committee and Speaker of the House Vote
When a Committee approves a potential Bill that is amended, it is presented to the Rules Committee. This is where the Rules Committee of the House can change Rules of the Bill being presented and also schedule or not schedule the bill to be voted on. The House of Representative’s Speaker only presents Voting Eligible Bills that they think will pass. When the Bill is up for Debates and does pass with the Majority, then the Bill gets presented to the Senate for seperate debate and votes.
Senate Law Passing Process
Senate Majority sends the Bill to Senate’s Committee where they choose the Bill’s fate. This is where more changes and more amendments are made. Filibuster – any senator asking for a filabuster takes 60 votes to have cloture. Cloture – a vote to stop the debate and just vote on the Bill.
President and Vice President’s Role in making Laws
After the Two Houses of Congress vote on a Bill/Law it gets sent to the President to sign into law, or he does nothing and it automatically becomes law after 10 days. Or the President can VETO the Law and it gets sent back to the House and Senate to amend/edit and have a two-thirds vote. Then the House Speaker and Vice President of the United States Sign a Bill into Law.
The Judicial Branch Role
Later it’s the Responsibility of the Judicial Branch(Supreme Court) to deem the Law constitutional or Not. This Branch can also chose to ignore the New Law and let the Law Stand and Rule our Nation.
Laws in the Making Summary
Pros and Cons of Laws to be passed. Federal Laws are passed for the whole country to abide by. State Laws will govern only those states that they’re passed in. If you have more State Power, then we have potentially 50 different scenerios of how to live in any particular state. If you have more federal law then more states will feel more of the same, resulting in less options and variety of living advantages. Yet we need both, some laws need to be wide spread, while other laws should be on a state to state boundary. This is the Power of Freedom of our United States to have both types of Government under one roof.